Manufacturing of fruit and vegetable dryers

Manufacturing of fruit and vegetable dryers


Final Products Drying machines
Required Inputs Material and processing tools
Competing Products

Low competition
Imported dryers

Potential for Export High


Complexity – Type of Process Medium – mechanical design and machinery
Technology Design and machinery
Equipment and Material Collector, pipes, tanks and racks
Human Resources Manual labor, skilled technicians, chemical and mechanical engineers

Business Linkage

Forward Linkage Farmers
Local/Regional/Nationwide Export & local markets
Backward Linkage Machine parts suppliers
Supporting Entities Equipment and component suppliers, testing facilities, marketing services companies
Competitive Edge
Locally available and tailored, could be lower cost

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales and maintenance of systems
Investment Size Small (between 500k-5M EGP)

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can start from a micro-scale investment and grow in scale.


Key Challenge Upscaling production and maintaining high-quality, meeting product specification and standardization, limitation of digital financial solutions for end-user
Advantages Product in high demand
Potential Pathways to Growth Manufacturing/assembly/selling and distribution of other types of dryers/production lines and/or spare parts, manufacturing/sales and distribution of final dried products (packaged or lose), dryer/production line rental service

General Impact

Environmental Reduces CO2 emissions and decreases agricultural produce waste
Social Provides a tool for farmers to increase revenue streams and creates job opportunities

Impact on Sub-market(s), Cluster(s) and Value Chain(s)

Relevant sub-market Technology/equipment manufacturing
Lies within the following
value chain/cluster(s)
Fruits, food processing and packaging
Impact Promotes value-addition to food industries
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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