Sun-dried aromatic plants and spices for local markets

Sun-dried aromatic plants and spices for local markets


Final Products Dried aromatic plants and spices
Required Inputs Aromatic plants (e.g., caraway, cumin)
Competing Products Low competition
Imported dried aromatic plants and other brands in local market
Potential for Export High


Complexity – Type of Process Simple – manual process
Technology Solar drying/hot-air drying
Equipment and Material Racks, nets and packaging materials
Human Resources Manual labor, quality control and food safety specialists

Business Linkage

Forward Linkage Retailers and consumers
Local/Regional/Nationwide Local market - nationwide
Backward Linkage Farmers
Supporting Entities Rack and net suppliers, marketing services companies, testing facilities
Competitive Edge
Provides high-quality dried aromatic plants at low-cost

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of sun-dried aromatic plants
CAPEX starting from 42K EGP depending on scale
Investment Size Micro (less than 500K EGP)

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can start from a micro-scale investment and grow in scale to a larger-scale investment.


Key Challenge Maintaining high product quality, food safety, access to suppliers, marketing and sales, meeting product specification and standardization, lack of definition of what constitutes activities which can be conducted on farm versus industrial zones (IZ)
Advantages Cost-competitive product and simple technology
Potential Pathways to Growth Production, sales and/or distribution of other types of dried/powder/extracts from medicinal/aromatic plants and herbs for various customer segments (packaged and branded or white label)

General Impact

Environmental Reduces waste of agricultural produce, utilization of sustainable energy and processing material close to the field reduces emissions in transportation
Social Increases returns on agriculture activities and creates job opportunities for both unskilled labor and women

Impact on Sub-market(s), Cluster(s) and Value Chain(s)

Relevant sub-market Dried products
Lies within the following
value chain/cluster(s)
Medical/aromatic plants and herbs, food processing and packaging
Impact Promotes value-addition to medical/aromatic plant and herb production
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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