Advanced irrigation system components for farmers

Advanced irrigation system components for farmers


Final Products Components of modern irrigation systems
Required Inputs Material and component suppliers
Competing Products

Low competition
Imported irrigation systems

Potential for Export Low


Complexity – Type of Process Medium – integration process
Technology Design, integration and assembly
Equipment and Material Material, pumps, impellers, sensors, controllers and other components
Human Resources Trained technical labor, mechanical engineers, quality control engineers and marketing specialists

Business Linkage

Forward Linkage Farmers
Local/Regional/Nationwide Local Market- Nationwide
Backward Linkage Irrigation component suppliers
Supporting Entities Component suppliers, marketing companies and testing facilities
Competitive Edge
Advanced irrigation systems at lower cost and more bespoke as produced locally, reduced water consumption compared to traditional systems

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of advanced irrigation systems

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger sized investments.
Investment Size Medium (between 5-50M EGP)


Key Challenge Maintaining high-quality product and quality control measures, meeting product specification and standardization, absence of marketing and sales services
Advantages Low need for adequacy infrastructure (industrial zone)
Potential Pathways to Growth Local manufacture of certain components for national and export markets, full/integrated solutions for irrigation management, agricultural production and/or harvesting processes (could also include Internet of Things (IoT) applications to automate irrigation)

General Impact

Environmental Saves water
Social Reduces imports and expenses of agriculture activities and creates job opportunities for unskilled labor

Impact on Sub-market(s), Cluster(s) and Value Chain(s)

Relevant sub-market Technology/equipment manufacturing
Lies within the following
value chain/cluster(s)
Medical/aromatic plants and herbs, fruits and vegetables
Impact Enhances the quality of farm production
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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