Aerobic compost from agricultural waste

Aerobic compost from agricultural waste


Final Products Low-cost organic biofertilizer
Required Inputs Bedding mixed with litter, cattle manure, plant residual, or possibly additives (bacterial additives)
Competing Products Fertilizers, compost agricultural waste


Complexity – Type of Process Manual handling, mechanical processing, and aerobic digestion
Technology Collection, pressing, shredding, laying and creation of piles, selection of additives, mixing (possibly manual, loader, adapted tractors, or mixing machine), aerobic digestion and loading
Equipment and Material Shredder, tractor, and water pipes
Human Resources Manual labor, technical operation, agriculture specialist

Advantages and Risks

Competitive Advantage Aerobic decomposition allows control and tuning of the quality of the product, a competitive edge in pricing as compared to chemical fertilizers
Barriers to Entry Technical knowledge to reach the mix of types of feedstocks (type and ratio of various feedstock) matched with proper mineral and micro-organism additive
Key Stakeholders Farmers, Agriculture Directorate, Research centers, accredited laboratories (public and private sector)
Special Regulations NA
Risks and Mitigation Measures Variations of weather conditions and type of feedstock could change the quality, and the possibility of contamination due to variability of the process steps: continuous quality monitoring and control through laboratory testing, as well as simple testing on site and proper statistical selection for sampling.

Seasonality of agricultural waste: (proper selection of the type of feedstock in the season as well as keeping a planned inventory) - Lack of awareness; marketing through samples, agriculture consultation, and awareness raising of doses, benefits, and uses.

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of fertilizers to farmers

The inputs and technology would cost an average of 3M EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.

Investment Size Small (between 500k-5M EGP)


Location of Supply Supply is mostly in the Delta region and Upper Egypt
Delta and Upper Egypt
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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