Agricultural waste to fiber bedding

Agricultural waste to fiber bedding


Final Products Fiber bedding for animal farms
Required Inputs Corn and cotton waste mainly
Competing Products Other bedding materials


Complexity – Type of Process Mechanical
Technology Crushing of corn and cotton waste (eventually expanding into other sources of waste)
Equipment and Material Crusher, packaging, and tools/ equipment
Human Resources Manual labor

Advantages and Risks

Competitive Advantage High demand and ease to produce
Barriers to Entry Securing a continuous level of supply to satisfy the high demand for farms
Key Stakeholders Local farmers providing agricultural waste, poultry, and cattle farmers as bedding consumers, local waste traders
Special Regulations NA
Risks and Mitigation Measures Seasonality of agricultural waste affects the supply levels, so it’s important to have a diverse supply of waste in order to ensure consistency of quantity of end product. Scattered sources of supply complicate logistics and increase overall costs of transportation, therefore optimizing the location of the processing facility is key

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Selling bedding to breeders (chicken farms)

The inputs and technology would cost an average of 620K EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.

Investment Size Small (between 500k-5M EGP)


Location of Supply Supply is mostly in the Delta region and Upper Egypt
Delta and Upper Egypt
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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