Biogas units for livestock and poultry farms

Biogas units for livestock and poultry farms


Final Products Biogas units for poultry and livestock farms
Required Inputs Steel sheets and fittings
Competing Products

Low competition
Fertilizers, composted agricultural waste, butane tanks and fresh manure

Potential for Export Medium


Complexity – Type of Process Simple – mechanical process
Technology Machinery, welding and assembly 
Equipment and Material Welding machines, manual tools, pipes and mechanical testing 
Human Resources Labor for installation, technical operation and maintenance, mechanical engineers and chemical engineers

Business Linkage

Forward Linkage Livestock and poultry farms
Local/Regional/Nationwide Local Market - nationwide
Backward Linkage Material suppliers 
Supporting Entities Equipment suppliers, testing facilities, marketing companies
Competitive Edge
Standalone units to produce bio-energy and fertilizers on site, serves as both a waste management and energy solution

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of units to poultry and livestock farms

Consists of the cost of machinery which on average would cost up to 500K EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.

Investment Size Micro (less than 500K EGP)


Key Challenge Long lead-in time and technical failures, sales and marketing services, high initial cost for end-user, weak farmer awareness of system benefits, vague definition of biogas systems, absence of regulation and certification for engineers/technicians
Advantages Cost-saving for energy and fertilizers
Potential Pathways to Growth Upgrading/offering a variety of biogas technologies for different applications (e.g., mobile units), production of new types of additives, delivering comprehensive farm waste management and/or Renewable energy solutions (could also include Internet of Things (IoT) applications for monitoring biogas digester performance)

General Impact

Environmental A source of bio-fertilizers that ensures sustainable and organic produce, safe disposal of waste and reduces the use of fossil fuels
Social Cost-saving for poultry farms, provides non-chemical fertilizer, ensures cleaner streets from animal waste and creates job opportunities for unskilled labor

Impact on Sub-market(s), Cluster(s) and Value Chain(s)

Relevant sub-market Renewable energy solutions
Lies within the following
value chain/cluster(s)
Impact Enhances the quality of biogas and efficiency of farm production
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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