Designing and manufacturing of recycling machines

Designing and manufacturing of recycling machines


Final Products Recycling machinery (e.g., shredder)
Required Inputs Material and component suppliers
Competing Products Imported machinery


Complexity – Type of Process Mechanical processing (Forming, machining, and assembly)
Technology Machining and assembling
Equipment and Material Tools, welding, and turning machines
Human Resources Manual and technical labor

Advantages and Risks

Competitive Advantage Provide lower-cost customer-specific machinery
Barriers to Entry High technical knowledge is required
Key Stakeholders Suppliers of components, materials, and local workshops to outsource some of the activities
Special Regulations NA
Risks and Mitigation Measures Difficulty in finalizing sales deals and a slow start for the business; complement business with trading in machinery or utilization of used machinery or machine renting and sharing - Cash flow in financing
building machines; start with few units per month

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of Machines and tools to waste management companies

The inputs and technology would cost an average of 5M EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.

Investment Size Medium (between 5-50M EGP)


Location of Supply Across Egypt
Across Egypt
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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