Fiberglass from glass waste

Fiberglass from glass waste


Final Products Chopped fiberglass for insulation panel and water pipes production – and other products
Required Inputs Glass waste, limestone, sand, soda ash, borax, and binder coating
Competing Products

Virgin glass-based fiberglass


Complexity – Type of Process Mechanical and thermal processing
Technology Separation, crushing, melting, meshing, binding, polymerizing, cooling, and packaging
Equipment and Material Crushers, grinders, color separators, oven, masher, binder, and chopper
Human Resources Machine Operators, labor for manual operations, and drivers

Advantages and Risks

Competitive Advantage High margins in recycling waste glass to fiberglass, competitive selling price compared to substitutes, high value added on glass waste, availability of high-quality cost competitive sand and limestone, ingredients needed in addition to the waste glass to produce fiberglass
Barriers to Entry Securing a continuous level of glass waste supply to satisfy production demand, high CAPEX
Key Stakeholders Informal waste collectors who provide segregated and washed glass, pre- processing firms that provide crushed glass or powdered- factories using
fiberglass in their products
Special Regulations NA
Risks and Mitigation Measures Ability to meet daily demand for glass waste that may lead to interruption of production, which leads to high losses. Risk of unstable supply of gas to keep the furnace working. Mitigation measures are having a high inventory that can cover many days of operations even if the waste supply was not
stable and having a stock of gas cylinders to use in case of a natural gas cut

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sale of fiberglass for insulation panels, water pipes, or other uses
CAPEX The inputs and technology would cost an average of 32M EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.
Investment Size Medium (between 5-50M EGP)


Location of Supply Supply is mostly in urban centers and large cities
Assiut, Alexandria, Cairo – (Suez if the focus is on export)
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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