Market Data & Studies

Name Sector Study by
Roadmap for strengthening the quality of locally manufactured products and components related to solar water heaters and solar thermal technologies in Egypt (220) SUSTAINABLE ENERGY UNIDO (SHIP)
Best practice manual in manufacturing the main components of solar water thermal systems (2020) SUSTAINABLE ENERGY UNIDO (SHIP)
Barriers to green enterprise growth and competitiveness (2021) SUSTAINABLE ENERGY UNIDO (IGGE)
Sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FAO & EBRD
Local manufacturing potential for solar technology components in Egypt SUSTAINABLE ENERGY World Bank Group
The potential for Egyptian startups to unlock solar technology markets in agriculture (2018) SUSTAINABLE AGRIGULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION World Bank
Mapping value chain and cluster competitiveness and business opportunities (2021) SUSTAINABLE AGRIGULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION UNIDO (IGGE)
Pre-feasibility analysis of medium and large scale investment opportunities in Luxor (2017) SUSTAINABLE AGRIGULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION UNIDO (IMKAN)
Rapid employment and labour market analysis in Luxor and Qena (2021) SUSTAINABLE AGRIGULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION UNIDO (IGGE)
Barriers to green enterprise growth and competitiveness SUSTAINABLE AGRIGULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION UNIDO (IGGE)
Mapping value chain and cluster competitiveness and business opportunities (2021) BIO-BASED ECONOMY UNIDO (IGGE)
Pre-feasibility analysis of medium and large scale investment opportunities in Luxor (2017) BIO-BASED ECONOMY UNIDO (IMKAN)

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