Organic waste to fish and poultry feed

Organic waste to fish and poultry feed


Final Products Worms that can be eaten by fish and poultry
Required Inputs Organic waste in general (food waste in specific) from households, touristic facilities, and restaurants and Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Competing Products Pelleted fish food, pelleted poultry food, corn


Complexity – Type of Process Bio-digestion of organic waste
Technology Organic waste processing with Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Equipment and Material Worms’ hatcheries, Grub tubs, and collection buckets
Human Resources Manual labor, technical specialist

Advantages and Risks

Competitive Advantage High protein content; easily scalable (modular)
Barriers to Entry High competition from large private and public animal feed industries
Key Stakeholders Farmers, agriculture directorate, research centers, traders, extension services
Special Regulations NA
Risks and Mitigation Measures Lack of market awareness and quality control
Mitigation measures are using promotional tools and co-selling/branding and hiring technical experts

Economic Features

Revenue Stream Sales of worms

The inputs and technology would cost an average of 228K EGP

Note: This CAPEX represents the indicative investment size, however, this investment opportunity can grow in implementation to a larger-sized investment.

Investment Size Micro (less than 500K EGP)


Location of Supply Across Egypt
Nearly all over Egypt except for inside urban cities where no place for processing organic waste
* Source of the information: The above figures were updated by Chemonics Egypt for UNIDO in 2023


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